Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Date Tall Women If You Are a Short Man

User-Submitted Article
It's easy to become intimidated when going on a date with a tall women, especially when you're a short man. But the resolution to this problem is really just a simple matter of sizing up the competition and leveling the playing field.

Difficulty: Moderate


Things You'll Need:

  • confidence

  • friendliness

  1. 1
    Overcome your own prejudice.

    If you feel that being short is something to be ashamed of, other women will pick up on this as well. As soon as a woman detects that you have low self-esteem, this fact alone will be a bigger turnoff than anything else that you could have done wrong.

  2. 2
    Don't wear lifts or make any other attempt to appear taller than you really are.

    Eventually your efforts will be in vain when your true height is revealed, so stick to the rule "I come as I am" and avoid attempting to look taller.

  3. 3
    Never talk about height when you are around a tall woman.

    This means never talk about your height... and never talk about her height either. Chances are that your tall woman is just as annoyed when people talk about her tall height as you are annoyed when people talk about your being short, so avoid conversation about height at all costs.

  4. 4
    Try for the extremely tall women first.

    Chances are the exceptionally tall are used to dating shorter men, even a man of normal height may seem short to the exceptionally tall women. They probably have more experience dealing with this issue and are more open to dating men of all sizes and types. Alternatively women who are only tall when compared to you may have little or no experience dating a man who is shorter than they are.

  5. 5
    Look prosperous when you are on the prowl.

    It's a real no-brainer that if a woman has to choose between height and wealth, most women will choose wealth. So while you are out there make sure you look your best because both short women and tall women alike have one thing in common and that is that more often than not a wealthy and successful man is desirable company, regardless of their height.

  6. 6
    Don't act as successful as you look.

    Basically avoid putting on a show, women can tell immediately if you are trying to impress them with your status. Your cleanliness and ability to appear well-dressed and "well put together" will do the talking for you. Your only job is to act casual calling absolutely zero attention to your clothes, income and success."

Read more: How to Date Tall Women If You Are a Short Man |

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