Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 2.15 - Mai Ka Wa Kahiko - Episode Review

First I have to tell you I am really disappointed. I expected something better. The whole episode was poorly written, and full of mistakes. Now let's see the details.

The McGarrett Lori workout scene - The most disappointing scene ever. First, because they've never had any activity together outside Five-0. Second, because it's totally ridiculous. Lori says she was (some kind of) champion in high school tree years in a row. Really? In episode 2.06 she told Steve she did some Jiu-jitsu and another similar sport, and at the end she started beating his ex boyfriend. Well, just look at her. With all do respect, she doesn't look like it. And all those little tricks with the shoelace and holding Steve's legs, making him fall? Come on writers, you can do better. And Lori, just for you to know, you've been punished for that. 

The murder on the plane: Kono says: After the flight attendant discovered the body in the bathroom, all the passengers were kept in their seats till HPD arrived. Now, later on we can see that the flight attendant discovered the body during landing, which means the plane was still moving. We all know you can't jump out from a moving plane, if you want to get off you have to wait till the plane stops. If the  flight attendant discovered the body during landing, her first move should have been informing the captain, who should have informed the airport security or the tower. So my question is: how did those two escape with all the airport  security measures, not to mention the video surveillance?

Danny and Steve at the hotel's pool: Danny pushing the suspect's head under the water? Really? Is this the same Danno who's been telling Steve McGarrett that he's an animal and he needs help? First the grenade scene and now this? Are they switching roles? Well, one thing's fore sure, he's learning. 

The other strange thing is how come this guy, Peterson stays in Danny's car watching him shoot Stan Edwards? He's an ex police officer, Danny's ex TO, he should have known that once the GPS is deactivated all the cops in the island are going to get Danny's car description and plate number in less than 5 minutes. And he's sitting in Danny's car waiting for Danny to shoot Stan.

Next, Danny shoots Stan in broad daylight in the middle of a park full of people, he fires his gun tree times. Kono and Chin catches Peterson, he's cuffed, Kono is pointing a gun at him, Chin is watching him and Danny shoots him in his leg. I don't mean to be difficult but seriously? I know he's angry and hurt but shooting a cuffed man in  broad daylight in the middle of a park? And I bet he won't be punished for that. This is the same Danny who has been telling Steve he's an animal and he needs help.

I am disappointed.

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